Comments On This Motivator
Supposed to be funny, but enough with the, "Women's place is in the Kitchen", reference.
Technically, they're not girls, as there are no girls on the internet.
Guys are just jealous because women are beating them at 'manly' games so they have to go slink off and play Maplestory or some shit.
And now?
First window please...
Look at te comment tat reads "All these kitchen jokes are getting really effin annoying. Thumb up if u agree!" and they got 5 thumbs down. Thats sooooo hilarious. =D
You need headphones to make sandwiches now?
Battlefield 3
BITCH PLEASE!!! Stop rageing and go make me my sandwitch.
oh can't get enough of tiny men hating on women.
Lucky bitch I want that game
Like Yoda, you write.
Electronics Entertainment Expo Expo. Seems legit.
Supposed to be funny, but enough with the, "Women's place is in the Kitchen", reference.