Comments On This Motivator
Pemdas M for multiplication! A for addition! 10 + 10 x 0 There is no = sign so the guy that minuses 10 from both sides is stupid. Now order of operations tells us to 10 x 0 first. This = 0 Now we have 10 + 0. So the answer is 10!!!
Multiplication comes before addition. So, it's 10 + (10 x 0) = 10 + 0 = 0. Wait, what?
Confusing I have no idea.. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally says it's 10. x0 says it's 0.
It's events like this that make me ashamed to be American..
they not asian
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally for this confussion!
socialist guy did it wrong
What a bunch of f'cking morrons. Its sad to see stubborn people like them.
These peeple r fucking retarded the answer is 10 because of order operations 10x0=0+10=10 bunch of fucking morons
I hate maths...
Life is like a box of chocolates
I'm still somewhat relieved to see that in spite of all of this, the majority of people on FB answered correctly overall. -the mathematician
We learn it as bed as here. Pedmas really through me off for a while.
U dont need brackets u stupid fucks!
Sometimes, I want to take those idiots, put them on a stage for the whole world to see, and humiliate them for being so stubborn. -_-
I'm 12 and I knew the answer right away. >_
The worst thing about it is that communism can't do math.
I don't want to live on this earth anymore
trololo the ad was an ad for math tutoring
Pemdas M for multiplication! A for addition! 10 + 10 x 0 There is no = sign so the guy that minuses 10 from both sides is stupid. Now order of operations tells us to 10 x 0 first. This = 0 Now we have 10 + 0. So the answer is 10!!!