Comments On This Motivator
I am pretty sure thats detroit, not kenya.
flavor flav!!!!!!!
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!!
resident evil 5
The reason why Africans are Black....
stupidbuttholecommentsgetthemostthumbsup you betcha
Now that's gangsta.
King Of Africa
burning tires get rid of that nigger smell
liar, liar roof on fire
yep, Kenya is getting to be just like Detroit has been...
Martin Luther King Jr.'s REAL dream.
Now they can have a BBQ party
That was during post election violence in kenya
Looks like Sauron managed to get out and about from that damn tower then...
This is y our gas prices are so high!!!...
American status symbol:wearing cool shoes.Kenyan status symbol:Lighting your goddamn car on fire.
does noone see that dick in the fire?
they burnin the fried chicken...
now that's what i call a party!
They see me rollin'. They Hatin'
is it me, or do i always see a burning tire in these pictures?
Series 27 of pimp my ride ...... Coming late autumn 2010 ....
dose niggaz ded
'88 half ton 4 sale excellent heater.
Wrong area lol
Obama family reunion.
Hey dude you should se springfield
Im Rick James, Bitch!!!
After the genocide,Diouf partied
OMG! There is no windshield! He might catch a cold!
something tells me thats not the first time that cars been on fire, and that probly not his car.
i don't know what you're...OMG BACK PEOPLE!!
nice cooking gear
Bringing the roof down one fist pump at a time.
burnin' down the house!
arnt they soppost to be running in kenya?
that guy should get out of that truck
That's good for cold days.
there is no brix at the bottom it dosent say u will shit brix or brix willl be shat
Average black neighbourhood. Im sorry I couldn't resist
slaves unite!
this ride is on FIAAAA!!
crazy genocide party in africa
sothatareabetweenyourballsandbuttholesmellsjustlikeyouthinkitwould you betcha
I am pretty sure thats detroit, not kenya.