Comments On This Motivator
god dammit, not again...
The sad thing is the gameboy is actually better than a PSP.
It's the all new GameStation!
Happened to me too! I bought a watch and I got a sundial.
score! this is better than what i ordered!
Then the guy resold the Game Boy in an antique show for $457.
I once bought an iPod touch and got a walkman. :|
Game boy with extra speakers attached!! :It's Something:
They gave him a gameboy because they knew he already had a PSP (pretty small penis)
Never have i played better Games that on the PSP....Kingdom Hears, Crisis Core, Ratchet and Clank, MGS....no, the PSP is better.
i KNEW i couldnt really get a PSP for 2 dollars!! RAGGGHHH
What is the deal with this picture everywhere?! I don't get it.
Then the guy resold his GameBoy at an antique show for $457.
i knew that was not a jesus thing a PsP in the worth of 1,99 bucks,damn
Thank you for making my day ROFL!
at least the gameboy got advanced cooling technology in it
playboy? did i come with any games (if you know what i mean)
watson, we've been conned
My friend paid for an xbox and got a cardboard cut out of a playstation. They were to cheap to find an xbox cut-out
in their defense, it does say value pack on the box... that usually means lesser of an item right?
This is a win, dude...
Its the new PlayBoy
the joke's on you.