Comments On This Motivator
Or is it: E. An Average American Adult?
Stop making fun off my sister
"Give me my 50/50." "Ok... now its down to a peanut or the moon" "Can I phone a friend" "....." "What" "You are a fucking idiot"
can i has brain?
The sad part is shes still gonna get 400 bucks
damn those hard questions!
It's E for wild snorlax appears
This is a fatass on drugs.....any questions?
This won't be on tv, will it?
eeghh it looks like its photoshopped you can notice the different shade on the question area.
lololo this americans......
I love her sideburns
Good question.
is that a beard ?
who cares about the answer, what's she doing out of the kitchen in the first place?
She is probably bigger than both.
Sadly, it's not photoshopped. i saw this episode.
return to the kitchen
actually, she's right. Believe it or not, the definition of big is it's size compared to everything else. Large means relative to others of its size. Hence, the moon would not be the largest, because it's one of the smallest moons.
E. My shlong <3
I know what is the smallest..... Her fukin brain
E: An average american's ass
Depends how close you ate to the elephant
it's phototshoped, retards
her face...
I'd like to phone 50% of the publicum
may i use a lifeline?
or E: Herself?
Bitches love elephants
And so is this lady.
Photoshop guys...
Sorry but this is completely fake. She won 32,000 pounds that day. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/elephant-moon-quiz-question.shtml
Photoshopped much?
The funny thing is half this site can't even spell properly and are laughing at people who went to an American school, where they put flags up all over the place.
Or is it: E. An Average American Adult?