Comments On This Motivator
I have a troll in my pants she could slay.
Well there is a troll on the background...
She's got Orcish hostages.
what the hell is that thing behind her??? it looks like a freaking bird monster!
xena's new outfit...everytime she changes it she has lesser clothes...one daay .... *.*
Her hair is on fire
WHAT THE HELL is that zombie-thing beside her ????
dude, my name is xena
Gods gift to man
Argh.. Where be thee booty?!
look that girl back there, devil's face!
Look at her boobs there to small for the bra and wtf in the back
Why does the woman behind have two faces?
NILF!!! ... Nerd I'd Like to ...
She just might want to hear about your 5th level 85 paladin
"swords out" "not those swords you perverts"
Is a geeky of me to say there is no such thing as a "12th level paladin?"
any1 alredy notice that she look like sheldon cooper? 0.0
Take sword m'lady, there be goblins behind you.
Dude... Xena is already naked. Haven't you seen Starz Spartacus?
She could be my dungeon master....in bed!
The only thing those tits will trap is, my warm spray
Xena,be careful,there's a zombie right behind you!!
so cutee :3
bikini and winter gloves??
freakishly big hands
I think that's Zelda. :)
WTF is a paladin?
Why is she the only person in the picture that ISN'T blurry?
look teh women at the back!!
WTF a pizza man in the background!
u can see that bra dosnt fitt her
Who/what is she cosplaying as?
People deserve very good life and loans or commercial loan will make it much better. Because freedom is grounded on money.
yeah shes pretty and stuffs but WTF wrong with the person behind hers face??!!!
Lol her bra doesn't fit because it's prob. Made to fit some 300 lb. Woman who plays wow all day. Sorry boys but chances are your gonna get skinny and flat, fat and big or skinny and fake ass implants
WTF is a paladin
Did anyone else notice the costume she is wearing is actually photoshopped and so where her clothes........... O.o
I have a troll in my pants she could slay.