Comments On This Motivator
"that big dog from the other street thinks that only he can pee in high sopt hehe his mistake mwahahaha"
When they adopted Mr. Tinkles they didn't know what they really had!
Upsidedown sex with a tree? Wow! Talk about tricks!
Pet from Cirque Du Soleil Does Business With a "Twist"
i did the same thing but no one took a picture just called the cops
What's wrong
I hope he doesn't go number 2 like that as well o.0
Is the dog twerking?
They Say You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks :)
LOL!!" Dog havin' a 69-er with a tree
He's barking up the wrong tree!
If you think this is skill, just wait 'till I show you how I shit!
did you see your mistake there sopt spot
how does he poop?
anything for a biscuit.
i bet it smells nice down there
Why is it raining? The weather channel said it was not going too. Oh well you know what they say, you cant trust fox 4! Smelly rain!
my dog does that too exept he pisses on my sofa
dog havin' a 69 with the tree!! lol
"ppssh that other dog thinks hes cool just cause he can do back flips....oh yea check this out haha"
I like those tiles, sorry is that erelivent
admit it, you are gonna try this aren't you?
thats how I roll
anything for a biscuit.
"that big dog from the other street thinks that only he can pee in high sopt hehe his mistake mwahahaha"