Comments On This Motivator
What's the other 49%? A bat?
dude it looks like she went 5 rounds with a professional kickboxer
She had a 49% match to Smeagle from LOTR.
Tyra Banks is 51% Trogg??!
It's the eyebrows. I see the resemblance.
maeby if we feed it it goes away?
What if she were to see these comments?
Kill it with fire!
Maybe if Tyra jumped off a building and shoved her face in a blender...
Gollum: " It's my precious"
Gollum: " It's my precious"
Are we talking about Tyra's butt?
That girl is definitely america's next top model!
So......Tyra Banks is 51% like her?!?! :O
Holy sh1t.. They look a lot alike
If Tyra Banks fell from an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, you'd end up with that thing.
It's a nematode cahlu coo coo
49% and 49% make 98% dumbshitt. and tyra banks is WTFF who took a bat to miley?
51% Tyra Banks, 49% Hobbit and 100% Win
I see it.
Gollum: "My precious"
Seems pretty accurate...
They were separated at birth... for the right reasons...
That's Tyra when she wakes up, before she drinks the blood of a young virgin.
It's kreecher's wife from harry potter
"Are we talking about Tyra's butt?" Hell no, Tyra's ass looks way better than... It.
i can see the resemblance
Yeah. That other 49% is the hybrid of a bat and a nematoad
Ugh, the more I look at this the more it looks funny, but also the more I wanna vomit :D
She looks like a bukake star
Gollum: "My precious"
Closer to Weird Al. Look at the hair!
What's the other 49%? A bat?