Comments On This Motivator
Of course I do duuh
meth is one hell of a drug
Challenge Accepted.
I am Iron Man.
Hospital in....3....2....1...
remember in the old disney cartoons goofy would make that noise when he fell, like woohoo hoo hoo! yeah, I looka this & hear that
The pool is closed!
I believe I can fall, I believe I can smack that flooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
yes i can, bitch.
The line to the roller coaster was too long so I just so happened to have my skis with me... You catch my drift?
Ive been there its in new york
You can if you have Creative Mode!
That's not flying, it's falling with style/stupidity!
U better land that shit
Ive been there its in new york
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Hear, hold my beer!!
I bet a dollar on that and i will prove i can!
so far so good ... and now we just have to wait for the snow.
Ok, Martin Schmit is not a wuss... I take it back.
Get me a redbull
Don't think, just do it.
Wait for Snow.
as soon as i clicked on this, peter griffin said think on family guy lol ROAD HOUSE!
f*ck the stairs i'm in a hurry
Only two answers to this question. 1. The thrill of victory or 2. The agony of defeat If you don't remember the quote and the video that goes with it, type the quote into YouTube.
i will do it
one nothing wrong with me two nothing wrong with me three nothing wrong with me four nothing wrong with me one something's got to give two something's got to give three something's got to give nooow let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floooooor
Wont stop me from trying :P
The line for the roller coaster was too long... So I decided to climb up... Not my best idea....
Of course I do duuh