Comments On This Motivator
i only see a black hole in his trouser split plus that guy starring into the camera is creeping me out
i dont know which is more disturbing his tits or the guy behind him
kung fu panda
R.I.P in 3, 2, 1.
After that high kick Physics took control. :3
This fatso is possessed by the devil behind him,
Fuck shit cock fuck. And that's why you don't do drugs.
Does anyone else wonder how he got up there?
the dude has a vagina
This was the thing that motivated the making of kung-fu panda.
Pants - devided by zero
Dragonball Evolution 2: Gokus eating disorder.
A ninja way to reveal you're a fat post operated tranny
May I please unsee this image?
wow hung like a horse
We can all tell what happened. See that thing around his neck, and the derpy expression? The demon-man behind him was hanging him, when it turned out he was too fat, and fell. His pants split because before the demon-man hung him, he tried to fight his way out of there. While executing a (very) high kick, his pants tore. That's what it looks like to me, at least.
a fat guy was kong-fu fighting.. his pants ripped as fast as lightning. no underwear is a little bit frighting. He is too fat to be kong-fu fighting. captcha was think hard. if ya know what i mean ;)
buddy hackett is alive and well
th bush is too much
Didn't know Chaz Bono knew karate
He is clearly in the middle of saying "Ke-Yah".....plus that is no black hole in his pants, heres a hint.....Rhymes with Ubic Air.
Lets be honest, the guy isn't flying foreward he is being pulled backward through the air by the demon standing behind him. Paranormal Activity 4? Yes?
Freee Chop with Every order of Chinese Prawn Crackers - arrrrrrrrsooooooooooooooo
Ball Shaker
dat hole mmmm...
His face is so creepy
Entering the Amazon Rainforest in 3...2...1...
He was knocked out by a shoryuken!!
Chuck Norris' fat son
Does anyone else wonder how he got up there?
There's a black hole where his penis should be, therefore the only resonable explanation is that he has grown so big that he imploded shortly after this picture was taken. Right?
haha you can see his pubes from that hole.
roundhouse kick...!!!
I'm more amused ny the demon child behind him :3
It's always a good idea before you do it but when you hit the ground you'll regret it
You suplise I speak your rangrige...HiYah!
Jean-Claude Van Dam the night before his intervention
Mangina Attack!!
"Even physical activity has a weight limit!"
i only see a black hole in his trouser split plus that guy starring into the camera is creeping me out