Comments On This Motivator
eww... why is his tongue that colo... OMFG!!!! D:
this is real, hapenned in spain. i saw in the news
That's what one deserves for troll-torturing bulls while wearing such faggayt clothes and posing like he's the boss or something. Like the internet used to say, OWNED.
In spain, the best piercing artists are bulls. Goddammit...
surprise facesex...
Hows it feel now BITCH?
photoshop: where is the blood?
1 - 0 ... this round goes to the bull
Osama is dead!!!
I Hope this piece was photoshoped.
You can not beat the matadhmmmfghn!
That's fucking gross
"It was NOT photoshoped, but he honestly deserves it. Do you have any idea of what they really do to the bulls?" I do. They stab things into their backs, don't they?
photoshop: where is the blood?
pain in spain is always insane
To those asking if this was photoshopped... This incident truly happened. Look up matador horn incident.
Om nom nom
He didn't want that face anyway...
This is what your own medicine tastes like....
Hit him so hard he shit out of his mouth
That's what one deserves by torturing bulls while wearing such faggot clothes and posing like he's the boss or something. Like the internet used to say, OWNED.
Say Hello To My Little Friend
Hit him so hard he shit out of his mouth
It was NOT photoshoped, but he honestly deserves it. Do you have any idea of what they really do to the bulls?
New Meaning to the word "SkullFucked"!!!
Its not. Ps'd. 100% real.
at least he can get that piercing he's always wanted
"eww... why is his tongue that colo... OMFG!!!! D:" Either you are really stupid, Or this is a joke, Either way, That's the horn of the bull, not his tongue.
NO blood ?
Despite a seemingly winning move, the bull did not survive.
om nom mom nom... I love spanish food.
Call my momma a fat old cow now bitch!!
Sadly thet he did not died
I was there when it happened ._. no lie. Not shopped and it happened in Madrid Spain ;) btw
YES! Bull revenge is AWESOME!!
FALCOON STAAAAAAAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... YES!
To be fair, the bull couldn't see where the fuck he was going.
I know this is how you like it... oh yea
Raoll was short on cash so he went to the cheapest piercing artist he could find no bull
Where is the blood? Did this happen so quick that the bood didn't have time to gush out yet? DAYUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the horn went through his head and out his mouth
Someone please tell me the horn is beside his face and not in it D:
Totally deserved! The term "Bull Fighting" is is a total lie. There is no fighting, the bull is put through hell with no hope of winning. At the end the bull is sent to market. I saw bull fights in Spain and I've rooted for the bulls ever since.
Bull's eye!
looking at this picture I can conclude that it hurts
I hope this piece wasn't photoshopped
Horny tongue xD
Matadors give the best head.
Wha..What am I watching?
That's fucking gross/
photoshop: where is the blood
Hate to see what happens next...
look it's scarface from before the mob
Really this piece wasn´t photoshoped. Man 0 - Bull 1
omg dude, ewwwwwwwww your shirt is gross
the bull didn"t saw him...
Damn. Mom and dad WERE right.
That's fucking gross
no no, he's beating the bull by EATING IT'S HORNS. and he's doing it wrong.
This is a real Reversed Deep Throat !
No blood?
holy shit thats not a tongue its the horn
oh for the love of god please be shopped
Looks like that guy got horny
woops...sorry sir, i'm afraid i can't see you standing there..
puny human.
This actually wasn't a photo shop it wwas on an espn magazine
+50 points (+1 kill)
You ain't talkin' shit now are you tough guy?
Yeah! Hope that bastard is dead! He can eat a sack of dicks for his dumbass sport!
Well, looks like someone got a little possessed today.
Talk about deep throating...
Despite a winning move, the bull did not survive.
Om nom nom
sick as f***
Free dental coverage, after three months.
"Surprise sexface".....feeling horny??
i thought the nostrils were the eyes and i thought 'wtf is that animal'!!!!
He is now known in the porn industry as the "DP THROATFUCK" guy
dental dam brought to a whole new meaning
What a load of bull
...I thought it was a piece of poop at first...
Eventually... The bull will catch on...
F**k3R deserves it.
eww... why is his tongue that colo... OMFG!!!! D: