Comments On This Motivator
F*ck that sh*t i want some presents
sooooooooooooooo................ NO F*CKING PRESENTS
What if im jewish?
Did Santa piss himself?
To Santa's groupies: Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!
Santa Christ Santa Christ, we all love santa christ! He is santa and jesus! God DAMN he is santa christ. He attoned for all our sins but he also likes pancakes. He saved puppies from a fire but he also likes pancakes. He played bass for aerosmith, reads to sick orphans too. He goes surfing in space and makes really good fondue. He shoots lasers from his eyes, mends your curtains for free. He fights monsters for fun and hangs out with Mr T. Santa Christ Santa Christ Santa Christ Santa Christ you are the best and we love you santa christ.
I like how Santa's a lefty...
Have a merry fvck'n thrash-mas LYRICS: Cooooooooaaaallllllll! Cooooooooaaaallllllll! COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! Fvck your presents!!! Fvck you stocking STUFFERS! You peasants are getting coal for being bad motherFVCKERS!!! I checked my list! Not once but twice!!! Getting PlSSED cause my heads itch'n from the deers giving me lice!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! (Guitar solo) Fvck your christmas!!! For this I'm getting too old! If you smell whats in your stalking you will know its not coal!!! Its SHllllllllT!!!! and 'I've had enough of this! Teamed up with the grinch now the world calls me OLD SAINT DlCK!!!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! HUMBUUUUUUUUUUG!!!!!!! (Massive quantities of arpeggios) (Drum solo) FIN
Shit, I missed that tour. Will it be back again? And when?
Disappointing the world's children, one at a time.
Santa Rockstar
F**k that!! Santa is NOT Left handed!!!!!
F*ck that sh*t i want some presents