Comments On This Motivator
Bad ass? Try 'dumb ass'.
I wonder what he would do if you yanked that thing out of his nose.
when hes naked,its camoflage in grafiti areas
People told me i could be what i wanted to be! I wanted to be a door hanger!
Forever unemployed
Nothing makes him look more like an idiot than that cigarette.
guess who isnt getting a job anytime soon THAT GUY!
Polos, not everyone can pull it of
Dah plane boss.....dah plane!!! Oh, sorry. Wrong Tattoo ^_*
Crazy how a nice pair of jeans and a polo can make all the difference.
Its Baine
Show this guy a magnet, then he won't be such a bad ass!!!
What ? It's a birthmark .
damn id hate to be him when he sneezes
The illustrated man!
I am Xerxes..
" man my dating profile pic is gonna get me so many chicks "
This dude put on a permanent douchebag mask
Whata fagtron
"Thanks for waking me up dude, I don't trust this tattooist guy...."
He would probably cry
Tip: Don't go into his house with a red shirt on.
Meet the ultimate tax burden.
Try to find waldo in all of that
Who ever tattoo'd this guy has no morals.
Was he drunk/ on drugs when he got those?
"Show this guy a magnet, then he won't be such a bad ass!!!" You do know that piercings are not magnetic, right?
Bad ass? Try 'dumb ass'.