Comments On This Motivator
It defies the laws of physics... but he's a penguin. He never studied law.
Aww come on! Everybody can see the stone he is standing on :P
Jesus is back in Antarctica everybody!
it is just standing on a stick.
See... I told you guys I'm Jesus
WTF, he's obviously standing on something.
I am Penguesus, the Lord of the penguins!
Come at me bro
you´re not the only one jesus!!!!
Pengu: As i said you can use my trick i didn't mean that you shall found a religion...
jesus has returned as a penguin!
he's holding an invisible tree
its a kung fu penguin doing the old school kung fu training by standing ontop of a stick!
Penguin Criss Angel
Global Warming
happy feet
Born again.
It's a stick
It's a cookbook!
Jesus is back and wants to restore faith within his penguin brothers!
PENGUIN JEASUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A hardcore narutard penguin who learned how to channel chakra to his feet.
Eat this Zombie Jew Guy!
It defies the laws of physics... but he's a penguin. He never studied law.