Comments On This Motivator
Sorry, our reaping's all done for the season, can't you tell? I mean look at the field, it's all bare... what a moron. Oh, your name's "Death," huh? You must be one of those Emo kids. Look, if you're trying to get a job, put on some decent clothes for Chrissake and stop brooding around out here at night. Check the classifieds or somethin'...
Sorry, our reaping's all done for the season, can't you tell? I mean look at the field, it's all bare... what a moron. Oh, your name's "Death," huh? You must be one of those Emo kids. Look, if you're trying to get a job, put on some decent clothes for Chrissake and stop brooding around out here at night. Check the classifieds or somethin'...