Comments On This Motivator
what a faggot, this is gay gay and gay, joking you little piece of rape! I am gonna get you!
Want a piece of me bitch?l >:/ Moral: Take it too far and I will make you feel unlucky punk!
Ahahahahaha! The guy is all over the place now,
BURRET REVORVER! (Yes it was Moral Man all along, I told you he ruled)
whatever, he is kinda awsome.
The fuck is this raping shit! Get this shit of the fucking interwebs now you fucking asshole I a gonna kill you for being a damn disgsusting rapist rapist and rapist fuck you loser!
fuck you fucker fucker faggot!
Hey gotta hand it to me, I got balls for doing this, and I give a shit if people thumb it down...
Hey relax man! I am just joking around! Take it easy! Moral: Keep it classy!
what a faggot, this is gay gay and gay, joking you little piece of rape! I am gonna get you!